Thursday 10 September 2015

Dragon Age Inquisition - Trespasser DLC Review

 Thoughts and Impressions on Dragon Age Inquisition - Trespasser DLC

I've thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Dragon Age Inquisition world over the past year or so.  Unfortunately I never actually player the early games, for some reason they seemed to have eluded me (along with the Witcher series too).

So many rifts.

However, the latest and Final DLC was released earlier this week so I was more than happy to spend the $22.95 for it.  It took me roughly 10 hours to complete to the price point is completely justified in my eyes.

This story, if you didn't know already take place 2 years after the original game.  So this does mean that you need to finish the vanilla story first (obviously you would if you are going to get the DLC right...)  In short - everyone wants the Inquisition to disband because they are all want to be the big dog and run everything themselves.  I don't want to spoil anything so the main story goes like this:

  • Inquisition has to meet in Orlais as everyone are being babies (Fereldon I'm looking at you).
  • Plot thickens as the Inquisition find a Qunari agent in the palace.
  • Hints at mysterious Elven Mage that could very well be Sneaky Solas.
  • Fight your way through a bunch of Eluvian's to kill baddies (Possibly even a Dragon Fight!)
  • END PLOT - Shocking twist with a few of the characters - those feels.
My only criticism would be the trophies this time around.  Normally I really enjoy collecting as many trophies as I can, however in this case most of the trophies are unlocked if you play the main story through a second time and only 2 are unlockable through the DLC story - but that is only a minor thing really.
One of the Trophies for finding all the new armor in Trespasser

The first two Dragon Age Inquisition DLC's "The Jaws of Hakkon" and "The Decent" seemed to get some bad reviews by some people which I think is being a little harsh - Yeah, the Decent was pretty short but it was still fun in the end and very challenging.  However it was great to have a real story based narrative to end the series on as that's what I really loved about this series.  The creators of the series were apparently really interested in what happens after these stories and wanted to do that here.

After the end credits rolled, there was also a really nice message from the DA team thanking everyone who was involved in the process and playing of the series. So if you are on the fence - get this DLC and if I had to chose only one of the three DLCs for Dragon Age Inquisition, I'd chose "Trespasser".